Opinions wanted: 10-30K Speakers for Jazz/Folk

See title, which speakers would you suggest auditioning and how would you describe their sound? Price can be new or used.

Looking for specific recommendations and how you’d describe their sounds ie crisp, warm, whatever. Again I enjoy mostly jazz and folk with nice vocals. If you care to share amps you think pair well or ones to avoid feel free! Please spare me responses on why it’s different for everyone or how my question is somehow flawed, just looking for some of your opinions/recommendations, thank you.
Check out spatial audio labs  open baffle speakers with Beyma AMT tweeters,midrange  and powered sub the x3,X5 under $10 k and the x3  beats many speakers 2x this ,
also the latest Wilson Audio speakers just under $20 k 
have tons of $$ trickle down technologies very detailed and musical , both brands different but excellent .
In today’s market there are many, many wonderful speaker systems in your stated price range. I know you are looking for suggestions but it just does not work that way. What sounds good to me may not sound good to you and what works in my room may not work in your’s. You simply must do some work here. Get out and listen to as many speakers and audio systems as you can. This is important because you have to learn HOW to listen. Find a good reputable dealer who’s opinions you can trust. When you are ready to purchase (either new or used) remember to match your speakers to your room and equipment. Good luck!
Martin-Logan electrostatic speakers, Ohm Walsh, biggest set of Magnepans you can find.