The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound

I have changed my mind about this over the years. The absolute sound (closest to real live music) just can't be accomplished even though I have heard some spectacular systems that get close on some music. So years ago I changed my system to give me the sound I wanted. I'm much happier now and all my music collection can be enjoyed for what it is: Recorded music.  
The original comment wrt Strads was wrt bias something lost on you likely due to bias.
Biases are not born all equals....They cannot be tested the same way to prove their illusory nature or not, like you pretend....Some are grounded in history and constituted not an illusion but contribute to create the experience itself....Proving them illusory erase the experience itself in his reality... It is throwing the baby with the waters bath... Something you do daily with your own "scientist" biases unbeknownst to you...

Your vast knowledge in audio, superior in most aspects to mine, is not the same as understanding and often not strictly equal to it , the 2 are ,each one a bias tough, not the same bias at all....Revise your study in acoustic...The grounding of neurophysiology of perception in the room chapters especially....


I propose to the jazz listener the more "jazzy" integral of Bach klavier with classical only means of playing tough by Zuzana Růžičková...

It will also be a test about timbre perception on your audio system...
If you dont like the sound, beware, it is not the files or the instrument but your system which is at fault...His sound is out of this world but unberable on bad audio system...

She plays with an astonishing clarity using register so various in colors that all other interpretations could appear boring soundwise.... Not musically, like for example the great Gustav Leohnardt....

Or one of the more astonishing piece of "classical " jazz: "Visions" by Walt Dickerson on vibraphone and Sun Ra on piano.... The decay clarity of the vibraphone will be a soundwise test on your system... The 2 players are geniuses here in their musical and soundwise means.... And telepathically related in a rare form of musical parapsychology experience which is well known by musicians ....
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Stop making excuses. Everyone has biases and yes concerning audio.
It not occured to you that EVERYBODY is ok with that part...Bias are unevitable and universal...

The wrong attitude is using blind test to prove an agenda about "reality"....

In some aspect under study of the acoustical experience, eliminating bias is mandatory for the isolation of all parameters at play for example...

In other aspect the bias are the reality itself which must be studied not eliminated...

You always use blind test in a one way direction which is reflecting itself a bias: reality is purely physical and material and reducible to dials controls...

Is it not simple even for most to understand?

Your tactic is accusing others to do what you did on a daily basis, stick to your blind spot bias....Your vision of reality is so tunneling you are in a dead end without even knowing it...

Arguing with you is impossible...

If i was wiser that i think i am i would be mute save for asking to you precise information about digital processing in audio.... Your knowledge is not refutable by me there nor in electronic engineering because i know nothing almost in these fields.... But i can think a bit by myself.... In philosophy and acoustic you are flawed....Not because of your vast knowledge but because knowledge dont equal understanding and could impede it in some way at some point....

Audiophiles are like any group not all constituted by idiots sorry...

 If i can recreate a high level of S.Q. with a 500 bucks system in my room with pipes and straws i am perhaps not a complete idiot...
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Bias is a personal reality. It is not transferable
Your ignorance is deafening sorry....

Culture is precisely the ingraining and transfer and "culture" of biases and elimination of differently "chosen" biases in different societies and also even in science....There exist a hierarchy of different biases and of the corresponding experiences... Ernst Cassirer called that symbolic forms...Bias are not "individual" characteristics because individuality can be distinguish from the collective but could not be separated....Bias are not a simple thing we must always eliminate, but something we must be conscious of , even if it is almost impossible or difficult like for the blind spot in vision...

Educate yourself....Learn what is culture, which science is itself only a ramification....Unseparable from the tree of culture, the science is only  a living branch; but not a separable branch like   think some  "scientism" who want to sit on a dead branch standing unattached to any biases tree trunk in the sky....

I was advising student about reading in my daily job than i recommend to you Ernst Cassirer...

You either eliminate bias or you do not

Philosophy of science is not childish game ... Are you serious? 😁

For sure you are....

Everybody favor blindtest even me.... But the reality of some effect is not always decidable automatically after a blind test.... Life is not so easy....

It is morning now.... I wish you the best day possible....

I will mute my speaking "ignorance"....Or my speaking consciousness.... Or my speaking biases ....