drain wire

Does anyone build their own power cables? I've been using furutech fps 55 n (10 awg) and 032 with furutech f1 50 male connector and IEC, this is a shielded cable so I unbraid the copper shield and twist it together and connect to the earth ground with ground conductor inside the plug to act as a drain wire, is it best to connect to male end or IEC for analog equipment   
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The ground is connected at both ends.  The shield should connect to the ground at the male end.

Serious question: what is the mental disease associated with cable haters posting in all cable forums they can find called?
Who is a cable hater? Really, you can’t leave home without one. If you have a pace maker with a little zapper, gotta change the batteries.

If you want to listen to music, you gotta use somethin’..

You mean HATE the prices and hype.. Yea. I just saw, 1 meter cables for 17K. I swallowed my tongue and had a seizure.. I had to give myself Mouth to Mouth and CPR.. That’s hard..

17K, go set in the corner and think about what you’re charging...BIG pointed hat for that one.. The bigger dummy is the guy that BUYS it. Then and only then is it worth 17K. Up to that point about 500.00 usd MAYBE..

Great cable I’m sure.. I’ll give it, it’s props for sure.. Just not 16.5k more.. LOL pure NUTS... Starvin’ children somewhere for God sakes... :-(
NO IT’S WRONG... Startin’ to feel like kenjit did about speakers.. LOL
BUT there are some great cables out there too. The Helix is a real winner.

Oh oh I want a Learjet too, pilot please that can fly DRUNK or loaded very well. No sober pilots need apply.