Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

As above, try spacing the CS 2.3 10 feet apart instead of 13 feet.
Listen to the change for a few days and report back here for any sonic difference(s) noted.

Happy Listening!
@bellesfan  I still have my 2.3s and have been listening primarily to my 2.4s since 2006.  I can tell you despite the similar external appearance, there are MANY changes between the two speakers that make them very different.  Some tweaks may be made to the 2.3 XO, but you'd be nowhere near to a 2.4.  If you want the full list of changes I can PM you, but it might depress you...

I'm still going back and forth between the borrowed Bryston 4B3 and my CJ premier 12 tube monos (140w/side).

Basically the same impression every time.  The Bryston has a bit more grip from top to bottom, a bit more tonal precision and clarity (well...tough call about clarity...both sound clear, the Bryston just a little bit more informative).

But the CJ is no wilting wallflower tube amp.  It has at least as balls-to-the-wall energy and punch as the Bryston.  And it has that "breath of life" tonality, where instruments and voices sound more texturally filled out and present, airy and "there" like I'm seeing through the electronics to the real event.

My dream is to try something like the Conrad Johnson ART amplifiers (e.g. original ART 275W/side, or the new ART 300 monos or ART 150 stereo amp).  As I understand it those give the closest to the best of SS and the CJ sound.

I'm also currently playing with a JL Audio 110e subwoofer with my Thiel 2.7s.

Buried way back in this thread, 3 years ago, I was talking about integrating these subwoofers.  Yes they have actually been sitting around that long because THAT is how much I dislike subwoofers!  :-)

Anyway, it's getting interesting.  I've been unable, as was the case last time I tried. to fully keep the midrange and upper frequency character I love about the speakers when using the subwoofer.   I have a Dspeaker anti-mode I'm going to use today to see how that helps.
OK, sounds like you officially have a homework assignment. I was just listening last night, and decided not to move the speakers because I was very happy with the soundstage and imaging. But, I guess it can’t hurt to try. It may take me a few days, but I will report back what I find.
also, I do have some treatments on the wall and a very thick shag rug on top of the carpeted floor. Also, I believe the open rafters help break up the sound as well.
I do notice when I said closer to the speakers, the imaging is still good, but the realism is not as convincing.
I promise I won’t get depressed. I love learning about this stuff. If I do, I’ll just go listen to some music. If you don’t mind me asking, what are the sonic differences that cause you to like the 2.4 over the 2.3?Thanks, happy listening