Best Joni Mitchel Album

Wanted to collect a few as I seem to be into female voices lately. Was wondering what you guys thought some of her best works were? Thanks in advance.

One of my favorite artists of all time. +1 on "Urge for Going" what a great song! Recent LP reissues sound very good so highly recommended. I'd suggest starting with "Clouds" and exploring the arc of her career. She is one of those artists who evolve in such a compelling way. As for favorites, so hard to choose but...

For the Roses: Only title not reissued on LP for some reason. Would love to get this on vinyl. The CD remaster is good though (Joe Gastwirt I think?)

Blue: Very close second. Amazing music--dark, dark, dark.

Court and Spark: Lyrically maybe the strongest of her work. "Peoples Parties" just says it all about the LA scene.

HIssing of Summer Lawns: Some clunkers mixed in with others that have a tremendous vibe. Great bass guitar as well.

I'll stop here--they are all great!
I have most of her recordings (CD), I especially enjoy Don Juans Reckless Daughter for its' uniqueness compared to her other music