Wirewold Eclipse 8 - Burn in

Hi All,

I just got 2 sets of WW Eclipse 8 with XLR plugs, one with 0.5m and the other with 1m. Does anyone know how much time it is required for burn in on this cables?

Many thanks in advance

No time is required to burn in anything. Everything sounds better after some time than when new. How much time? Nobody knows. How much better? Listen and hear for your self. 

Sorry, but that is the truth. If they are any good they will sound better right from the beginning, improve a great deal the first few hours, improve a little more the next tens of hours, until eventually stabilizing at some level or other.  

So if you like what you hear right away, great. It will only get better. More refined, more smooth natural detail, more dynamic and extended. Do this enough you will maybe come to understand it does not matter at all what it is, wire, amp, speakers, minor differences here and there but basically pretty much all the same.  

If you don't like what you hear, don't kid yourself, your pumpkin ain't gonna transform into a royal carriage.
HI millercarbon,

Thanks for the update :-D.

Anyone that uses this cables could let me know after how much time their cables start to settle in?
