Not sure if it’s possible but while I love the sound of the Martin Logan’s, sense of being there, they lack punch some box speakers seem to have, and my biggest complaint is that while they sound great if your head is in the perfect spot, move your head up or down a foot or move two feet to the side and the sound collapses. Sit on the floor, stand up or move to the side on the couch and the quality of sound goes down dramatically.
Sure I know, I know with most speakers there is a window where they sound best, but even my old Hales Transcendence 1s, still sound good whether I’m sitting on the couch, lying on the floor or walking around v.s. the Martin Logan’s only sound great from one very small spot in the room.
I’m looking for speakers, which do a good job in the midrange but also with cymbals and kick drums, string bass, have the you are there wow factor and have a large sweet spot AND decent WAF e.g. skinny.
The Joseph Perspective speakers fit your criteria perfectly.
They are very skinny and take up very little space, but cast an enormous soundstage with Big Speaker imaging. They completely disappear, and their excellent polar response and steep crossover means they are particularly good at maintaining the same tonality and "disappearing" act over a wide sweet spot. If you see lots of show reports they often mention "and it didn’t seem to matter where I was in the room, the Joseph’s seemed to soundstage and sound great even off-axis."
They are very punchy and powerful too, for kick drums, bass etc.And they use SEAS drivers similar to the Hales Transcendence line (I have owned Hales T5s and still own Hales T1 and TCenter speakers), and there is a similar sound to the Hales - very grain free and pure, only moreso on the Josephs, but with more presence and texture.