Are there any preamps that can work with 2 amps and a sub woofer?

I have a Krell sub woofer and 2 Llano trinity amps powering my speakers.  I'd like to know the best way to have 1 volume control over the whole system.  Currently I have to control the sub separately (manually).
Does any preamp allow 3 outputs?   Is there a better way?  Should a go with a good preamp and just split the output?
Thanks for any ideas.
Are you happy with the way your current setup sounds and performs? If so, consider a REL Airship. For around three hundred bucks, you would hook up the transmitter box using the supplied speakon connection to your speaker taps on your amps and then the receiver would connect to your Krell subwoofer. Then your sub is wireless as well as the bass quality would improve since it will take on much of the flavor of the amps.
@ernie00 I just bought the CODA 07x and I believe it has all the features you require (have not received the unit yet). It definitely can support 2 amps and I am considering getting a second amp. With regards to subwoofer, there is a RCA L/R output that I imagine can be used with a sub. I never used a sub so I am not sure. My KRELL dealer said I could use the KRELL’s RCA variable output on my integrated for a sub so the same logic should apply to the CODA.

“Both sets of balanced receptacles on the left side are identical stereo outputs suitable for connection to multiple amplifiers. The two sets of balanced receptacles on the right side are separate input channels.”

Here is the CODA dealers response to me.
If you're looking to biamp, it allows you to send the signal to both amps without the need for a splitter cable (which is what most preamps require and result in a drop in signal).

It can also be used to connect to another amplifier that is powering an entirely separate audio system.

Both sets of XLR outputs are always active. If you'd like to connect a second set of speakers, it is recommended that you power off the amplifier you're not currently listening to, as the amplifier is the device with the power draw.

Some time back I also asked a similar question on this thread.