What tomearm ?

Does anyone know of a tonearm that would fit a project 1expresion 2 turntable ?
Buying a used tonearm or cartridge is kinda like buying used underwear.

you have to ask your doctor why do you think so

Clearthinker, if you understood this man's situation you would realize how much of a fool you just made out of yourself. People do not crap in their tonearms.

learthinker, if you understood this man's situation you would realize how much of a fool you just made out of yourself."

As you mature you will come to realize that insulting, attacking, and denigrating others is no way to convince anyone of you're own superiority I know you like to pretend you are a "doctor" and I guess that is how you hope to gain respect, authority, and admiration.
Get your arm fixed through your distributor or buy another arm 9' long or order an arm replacement.
If not satisfied with above, sell the Project as is and get a new tt combo.

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