Harbeth M30 Amp suggestions

Hello Everybody. I am picking up a pair of harbeth M30 speakers. I am quite interested in the Modwright KWA 100SE. How do you think it will drive the M30's? My previous amp was a Mc275. Any ideas let me know!


Hi Jon I haven't tried the Modright but I also have the M30s and used to drive them with the MC275.
I now use ( like the Modright) a 100watt SS amp, a Nagra PSA, and noticed all the benefits that Lapierre mentioned without any tradeoffs.
So I'd conclude that 100watts of SS is a good match for the M30s.
hey Guys

I had to sell the 275 for another project. I can do it again if thats the right amp. I am using a Modwright SWLP SE 9.0 as my pre. We all know its fun to try new equipment. The 275 was very good with other speakers in the Harbeth Line as well. What about Bel Canto ? Modwright and Mcintosh are prefered.

Jon -
for what it's worth, I drove my M30s with a McCormack DNA-1 (full Rev A) and a ss McCormack pre-amp. It made for a very balanced presentation from top to bottom, with good control and grip of the lower end. My only concern with this ss set up is that I think the M30s can sound a little forward and a touch resolving/analytical. Tubes may help add some warmth - admittedly the soft dome tweeter of the M30 is a treat which helps and, distinguishes it from the Super HL5 or the 7-ES.

Btw, there is a DNA500 on Audiogon with the Ultra mods at very, very fair price.

The M30 a great loudspeaker, especially for vocals (my wife loved listening to a Dianna Krall sacd on the M30s).

good luck,
I really liked the MC275 MKV on my Harbeth M-40.1's. Next to the two VAC amps I own(ed), the MC275 MKV was the best amp I've owned. IME, most tube amps just sound more like music than solid state amps.
I would be looking at integrated amps from the following...

Sugden Masterclass