If the PS Audio Stellar 700M is as great as all the reviewers say....

...why are there so many used ones for sale?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xnd1der
I have a Stellar S300, haven't heard the mono blocks yet.  I bought it about 6 months ago to replace a blown aged amp as a "temporary" measure until I could find something more permanent.

I was so pleased with it that I have no plans to replace it.  Maybe sometime in the future, but a new amp was moved to the bottom of my priority list.

I imagine the mono are similar, they're based on the same tech.
@jl35 I probably should have stated the question differently such as “why do you frequently see several for sale?” I have been looking since December and have seen a dozen or more since then. Right now there is one on Agon and a couple on US Audio Mart. Maybe that’s really not that much for such a popular amp but it’s only been around since what...2017?
why are there so many used ones for sale?

Because the market is where the rubber meets the road. Whole lot of stuff sounds just great until you get it home. That is why a big part of learning to read reviews is learning to read actual user comments. All the gear I have bought for something like a dozen years now has been based entirely on reading on-line. Almost never do I ask any questions like on here. It is pointless. All the questions have been asked and answered a million times over. Search around you will find your answer.

Even this one right now. The answer is when there are a lot for sale then they really aren't all that, never were, probably never will be. There's way more guys looking to make a deal than build a system. They talk otherwise but there's two ways to judge- by talk, and by actions. By their actions they demonstrate their unseriousness.

So one of the last clues after doing all your research is to look at the used market. When you come up empty you know you are on the right track. When you have to wait for delivery, even better! These things are telling you people by their actions have voted with their dollars that these are the truly good components.

This I can tell you these new ps audio monos do sound very respectable 
adding a12au7 tube per mono block ,but what’s missing  is the realism  depth and liquid realism , for example I heard them vs the pass labs 60 class a integrated , ,the pass labs doesnot have the power or the slam ,but is far more natural sounding much more on the warm side triode like ,The other the latest Coda CSib integrated amplifier with the 250-500 wpc  12 first watts in pure class A , which is very tubelike in many ways more pentode then the warmer triode usung jfet,Mosfets, and bipolar  transistors on the outputs. 
but the leading edge is more defined having a separate class A preamp section 
Was very surprising and the best balanced of the 3 ,from  what I heard or to my taste. Based on that I ordered the Coda ,and just came in after a 6 week wait.,I  wanted the lower power  one which has class A first watts  of 18 then              150-300wpc .