A huge amount of what passes for critical component selection is really nothing more than following the crowd. It is by no means easy learning to listen and evaluate. It took me a good full year just to get to where I was certain what was what between things like CD players. In the beginning I could hear no differences whatsoever. Seriously! Not the only one, either. Was in Definitive Audio one time they demo'd 2 CD players for this guy, after which he said hate to tell you not hearing any difference between them, at all!
That was the case for me. That was the case for this other guy. I have been to audiophile club meetings and done enough demo's to know this most definitely is the case for a whole lot of people. They never want to admit it, but it is. Seen it in action. Definitely a thing.
So I totally get it.
Yet all these people, every single one of them, they all want "better sound" or at least failing that they want a "better component" or a "better system" or room. They haven't learned to listen, or evaluate, so they have no idea what this is or how to get it. So they ask others, what is best?
And wouldn't you know it, they get answers. From others equally not adept at listening and evaluating. And round and round it goes. Where it stops nobody knows.
That was the case for me. That was the case for this other guy. I have been to audiophile club meetings and done enough demo's to know this most definitely is the case for a whole lot of people. They never want to admit it, but it is. Seen it in action. Definitely a thing.
So I totally get it.
Yet all these people, every single one of them, they all want "better sound" or at least failing that they want a "better component" or a "better system" or room. They haven't learned to listen, or evaluate, so they have no idea what this is or how to get it. So they ask others, what is best?
And wouldn't you know it, they get answers. From others equally not adept at listening and evaluating. And round and round it goes. Where it stops nobody knows.