Looking for a DAC under 2k

I'm using a Small Green Computer Optical Rendu to bring usb to a DAC.
Looking for a new DAC around 2k new or used.

Recently, I had a Border Patrol Se-i which sounded beautiful with a great soundstage and a relaxed sound. Unfortunately, dynamics and bass definition were weak.

Next up, I tried the ifi Pro iDSD. Detailed and clean, but lots and lots of settings to play with. Became noisy after a couple hours and eventually stopped putting out sound and went silent. Can't deal with that kind of poor quality, but really would have prefer a little warmer sound.

I borrowed my Chord Qutest from my headphone system. Very good with my tube headphone system, and not bad on the speaker system, but would like something a bit more analog sounding, like a Border Patrol with dynamic punch and clearly defined, not muddy bass.

TIA, for suggestions.

there are a lot of threads in the digital section over the past year discussing very good dacs in your price range

search bar is your friend
I have the same streamer, actually 2 of them, and they feed a tube DAC, the Audio Mirror Tubadour (for $1500 or $2800) and a Benchmark DAC3B ($1700). Both are amazing with the opticalRendu. The DAC3B is super clean and clear and the AMT3SE adds a nice bit of warmth and more analog sound, without sacrificing too much. I use the AMT3SE with RAAL SR1a headphones which need warmth and are one best "speakers" I have ever heard. The AMT3SE is great with the RAAL.
I really like my Heed Abacus.  There is absolutely nothing about it that bothers me.  Sounds like faint praise, but it means I can listen to it for hours. Just sounds good.  
The absolute best deal for your $$ the Denafrips Pontus 2 dac 
just do a search it is a very good R2R dac with separate analog digital power supplies built in on 2 levels ,just do a search ,
then on You tube.
I can't offer comparisons, and primarily use a CD transport source, but I have also been quite happy with the Denafrips Pontus ll.