Cartridge upgrade?

Hi I’m considering either upgrading to the Kelisi Purple Heart or to the Hana Umami. Currently running the Hana SL. I’ve been listening to the SL for a year now. It’s great, I really like it but would like to upgrade soon. I listen to a pretty big range of music. Folk, rock, jazz, electronic, some classical but not much. My question is which one, and am I going overkill with a $3-4k cartridge given my tone arm/tt? I’m pretty happy with the sound I’m getting currently but want to stay away from a cartridge that’s too forward sounding. I love the high end detail I’m getting from the diamond tweeters of my B&W 805d3’s but feel it can get a little bright at times. 
Here’s the rest of my set up:

Cartridge: Hana SL
Turntable: Clearaudio Concept w/ magnetic bering tone arm
Rogue Cronus Magnum II integrated
Herron Audio VTPH-2A phono stage
B&W 805D3 speakers
REL S/510 & T/5i subs 
Kimber speaker cables and interconnects

Thanks! This place is great!

@petg60 Yeah I’m kinda leaning toward just upgrading the turntable. Thanks for the thought. 

@big_greg thanks. I’m now thinking I’ll put the money toward upgrading the turntable before pulling the trigger on a different cartridge. 
"I’m now thinking I’ll put the money toward upgrading the turntable before pulling the trigger on a different cartridge."

IMO, a smarter move, than dropping over $1K for a different cart. For the long haul a new table makes sense. 

 "I’ll look at the blue and the ART9" 
I don't go 1/3-1/2 value of table, which is why the ART9 was suggested. Kiseki Blue@ $2K+ is too much cart comparing performance against the ART9 for half the cost. The Purple Heart or Umami Red will be underserved.
Dear @paulgardner : With your today set up or a new TT I'm with the gentleman that posted as an option the AT, it's really an " eyes/ears open " cartridge . You will be regarded with:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,