New-ish to Audiogon Forums... Is it always like this?

I have been trying to be more involved in the forums over the last couple weeks, and I'm noticing a trend already. It seems that when someone asks for a recommendation for a piece of equipment, they provide little to no room/system context. In a couple threads, I've asked the OP to provide more information, such as system information, preferences, requirements, and the like, and ended not getting much more information. The thread ends up being a running list of members' favorite gear, whether it really helps the OP or not. Is this the norm? If so, I'll probably stop trying to be more involved.
This forum is a mixed bag but it is worth it for me to check in every day and see if there is anything relevant. I skip most threads that ask for gear recommendations for the reason you describe. Once in a while the question is structed in such a way that I can determine that I have relevant experience and I will weigh in.

Very occasionally there is a truly outstanding thread. For example, I own Thiel speakers and there is a very long detailed thread about Thiel where Tom Thiel, one of the founders, actually participates. It's things like this where Audiogon really shines.

The audio related groups on Facebook are much more aggressively moderated which makes for a more pleasant productive experience. The level of arrogance and nastiness on Audiogon is definitely a turnoff for me.
sbank, yes I think you could be pleasantly surprised with the usefulness of the other forums for inquiries you may have on myriad topics. I have had great experiences on Hoffman and tapped a couple very knowledgeable members for advice when I was putting together my last system.  Honestly I feel bad for hobbyists that use this forum exclusively.  Audiogon plays out more like a bad soap opera or reality TV show for most topics. Lol
Other than a few turkeys who see fit to pollute the forum with their sophomoric political tropes, I find it to be pretty informative.

Agree that the political crap specifically regarding spending money is intolerable. People make what they make and spend what they spend. Therefore listen to what they listen too. Personally think it is great when people join the effort. 

I agree that most of the questions are very vague and the answers are about the peoples favorite gear too much but that is the way people are with stereos and their music but what i can say is that there are so many variables in rooms, component interaction, speaker position, room placement, housing construction, music likes/dislikes, cables, connectors, and conditions/regenerators that all we can do is try and lead people to a good or better choice or avenue.