Ultimate Sinatra: Digital Beats Analog

I have been listening to the "Ultimate Sinatra" remastered recording in digital Hi Resolution.  Songs that I have on old vinyl and cd's are markedly improved in this updated version.  The bass is vastly improved and soundstage great.  In this case digital seems to beat analog.  Am I wrong?
Qobuz is outstanding...lots of great sounding recordings. No need to go anywhere...hell you don’t even have to get up from your sweet spot :-)

Hey, millercarbon, I just spotted the Sinatra-Basie record on my album shelf. On Reprise. It's too late in the evening to put it on, but tomorrow I'll see how it compares soundwise to Sinatra's earlier Capitol Records period.
millercarbon -- I got it on the 'table now. Excellent fidelity.  A studio recording no question, but a skillful one. Spacious soundstage. Brass, percussion, strings and piano have veracity & punch. Maybe a smidgeon of edge from Frankie's vocal mike but it only adds to the fun.