similar to the improvements in beetlemania's 2.4 upgrade.
Two years later, I remain of the opinion that these are my last speakers. Compared to the very be$$$t speakers/systems I’ve heard, the list of faults is short:
1) no audible output below ~30 Hz;
2) low bass is not as resolved as a quality sealed box design (eg, Avalon Ascent);
3) image density not SOTA (eg, TAD Ref One).
1 is noticeable only on music with organ. 2 is only apparent in direct comparison. Those two faults could be addressed with, maybe, a stereo pair of the Vandersteen subwoofers and I would have a near SOTA system at a relatively “affordable” price (but not excited to have two more large boxes in my living room). Meanwhile, my sonic priorities - resolution, transparency, and neutrality - are very close to the best I’ve heard at any price.
Bravo, Jim and Tom Thiel. Thank you.