Again, can’t help myself to plug this system.
heard it at one of the audio shows long time ago, his newer incarnation are so much better.
Check it out,
Speakers, plus a Magtech amp, other stuff, and the warranty, in the business.
you owe it to yourself to at least call and talk to Roger Sanders about his speakers, amps, etc.
take 20 min to call him, and speak to him.
His system is one of the best money can buy.
you will be rewarded !
I wish I had your dilemma, I would be on the,phone w Roger immediately to talk.
Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
His amps are audios best kept secret. Dad the review about the Magtech amps and those MBL radiostrahler speakers.
heard it at one of the audio shows long time ago, his newer incarnation are so much better.
Check it out,
Speakers, plus a Magtech amp, other stuff, and the warranty, in the business.
you owe it to yourself to at least call and talk to Roger Sanders about his speakers, amps, etc.
take 20 min to call him, and speak to him.
His system is one of the best money can buy.
you will be rewarded !
I wish I had your dilemma, I would be on the,phone w Roger immediately to talk.
Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
His amps are audios best kept secret. Dad the review about the Magtech amps and those MBL radiostrahler speakers.