how can low watt tube amps drive speakers with higher power requirements

I am new to hifi and I am super confused about something. Most audio blogs out there ask newbies to stick to amps that output power within the recommended range of the speaker manufacturers. However, on forums, blogs and even some magazine articles, I find pros reviewing tube amps with much lower output power (even in some cases 10-30W below the speaker specs) and find no problems. How can these low power tube amp drive these speakers? For example, the LS 50 metas spec sheet says "Recommended amp power: 40W - 100W) but I have seen posts here and on other forums where people will hook these up to tube amps producing as low as 12W of power at 8 ohms. Am I missing something?
I agree 100% with millercarbon. An audio system is something that takes energy and turns it into something useful. Think of it like an internal combustion engine, which is basically an air pump. The more air it can take in, the more air it can put out. That equates to horse power. Restrict the input and you restrict the output. Give it plenty of input with a supercharger but restrict the out put with a crappy exhaust system, and you are just defeating the whole system. That's what choosing low efficiency, hard to drive speakers does to an audio system. Choosing low efficiency speakers is just stacking the deck against better sound in an audio system. Sure, a tube amp can play with low watts and low efficiency speakers, as long as you are content with low volume. The first time you go to crank up the volume, you'll discover the error of your ways in the name of distortion. Great sound is all about speed and reserve power. A system that is fighting it's speakers has to give up speed, and that equates directly to quality of reproduction, because a reserve of power to keep up with the rapidly changing dynamics of music is what makes an audio system truly shine. Even with high wattage systems, low efficiency speakers make no sense. Your speakers have the final say in how your system sounds. Why allow them to be a road block? As miller aptly stated the true and most important spec of a good speaker is it's sensitivity, and, the higher, the better. 
It is all based on the quality of the first watt with a lot of amplifiers and speakers and the ability of the amplifier to drive the speaker. The other main factors are room size and listening level wanted. Small amplifiers can be good for a lot of music and speakers but only at low listening levels turn up the volume much at all and you will tax the small amp and you weigh the choice between volume and quality of sound with small amps. The key is to find a good all around amplifier that allows you to play whatever you want on any speaker at any volume, they do exist, but are hard to find.
A low powered tube amp is unlikely to damage a tweeter if driven to distortion, it simply sounds bad.
My favorite  design is a pair of NOS 300B tubes operated in single-ended, ultra-linear mode. About 15 watts RMS output.
Funny!!! 300bs of course can't be operated in ultralinear, on account of lacking a screen grid :)