What is the average life expectancy of a DAC?

Hello folks, 

With the recent profusion of relatively inexpensive DACs that are now available, I'm wondering what the average life expectancy of a good DAC is? Or, to put it another way, is it cost-effective to invest in a high(ish) end DAC like a Denafrips Terminator or a Halo May with the expectation that it will last at least 5 or more years?

Dacs can last a very long time. There are no moving parts and it doesn't generate very much heat and not much to wear out. I am currently listening to a Dac that was built in 1995, it works flawlessly and sounds great. Even tubed Dacs like mine don't generate very much heat. You're much more likely to get bored with your Dac than have it crap out on you.