The Best Live Recordings on Youtube

Hi folks, I’m in the middle of moving and needed something to do to explore music while my system is in storage (might be up to a year). Started streaming live recordings on youtube on my laptop and decided it would be worth it to make a list/channel.

In case anyone likes watching such content, the link is below. I only add quality recordings (both visually and sonically) of quality performances. No real genre restrictions, so maybe you can find something you like...

Please post or send any suggestions for growing the resource. Hopefully it helps spread high quality music to more people...
Thanks to some of the jazz suggestions, youtube directed my channel to the Hiromi Uehara Trio Project.  Holy s**t.
Hiromi Uehara is a phenom! Holy s**t indeed.  If you liked that, you may like this as well. Less bravura and (arguably) more depth:
Videos #85 & #86 added to the channel.  I still need time to watch the entire Chick Corea concert, but it's already clear how great it is (musically, sonically, and visually).  Both it and the Iron Butterfly are top notch.