Luxman tonality

I’ve seen many members describing the Luxman 509x and the m duo as warm thus colored. I’ve had these units and have never thought of them as bright or dark(warm). They are superbly neutral to me neither adding or subtracting. I find them to be very musical. A prospective buyer might pass on Luxman thinking that they won’t match up with many speakers. Of course they will. Neutral is neutral. It’s what we should want.

Totally agree on the AVR. I had some nice two channel stuff for many years, but switched to an AVR like many people did and I brought a top of the line, highly rated Denon AVR that I never thought sounded good. I changed to McIntosh AVR separates and tried to convince myself they sounded good whether 2 channel or surround (for that much money they should have), but they never really did. I finally went back to two-channel with the Luxman 590AXII and it's been heaven. So how's it sound? I was expecting warm, based on the demo's and other 'expert' opinions, but to me it's simply neutral. I listen for hours to all kinds of music and it never makes itself known, it just disappears. 
As for all the descriptors, warm, euphonic, detailed, it's similar to  describing a wine or a Scotch (wet dog anyone?), you're just trying to give someone else an idea of what it tastes like. You are not trying to be scientific, just hopefully helpful to them in their purchase. 
My CL38U SE a tube preamp is neutral sound wise. No roll off on the top end. Excellent dynamics. The sound is similar to the 590AXII.
millercarbon you really nailed this comment well.

“What happened was we stopped listening and started measuring“

I have the exact problem dealing with this in the telescope industry. What happened is they stopped observing and started measuring.

Now we have amateur astronomers who think they know more than they really do. 
Amateur astronomers perform tasks such as the discovery of new comets, planets and stars in the universe [1,2].

Listening and measuring are not mutually incompatible tasks. 

I love the neutral sound of my Luxman CL1000 preamplifier with my ARC 250SE monoblocks.
