The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.

You missed my point completely. If doug wants to be known as a journalist with any sense of objectivity, he needs to avoid being a propaganda conduit for the manufacturers. Simply parroting what Galen says, one of many cable "studs" by the way, is not journalism but marketing. This is exactly the type of nonsense that has rendered the opinion of most audio reviewers moot.
The community will clearly see the extent to which I went in working on the Iconoclast article, and the basis for my comments when the review is published. 

I guess you just dont understand. Has nothing to with hard work. What you wrote will not stand and I am completely shocked that you dont see the problem.
Briefly, these are the most impressive cables I have handled, and they are built according to a stringent set of criteria in terms of optimization of geometry, conductor material, AWG, etc., all vetted by measurement. They are the most serious effort at making a measurably idealized cable I have encountered.

and.... the liquid metal eliminates the frozen atomic lattice structure that brings about the problems with conductivity vs dielectric and how they play off one another. thus requiring such perfected geometry and so on.

The liquid metal eliminates almost all the problems encountered in audio ’wire’ cable design ----by simply not having them.