Luxman tonality

I’ve seen many members describing the Luxman 509x and the m duo as warm thus colored. I’ve had these units and have never thought of them as bright or dark(warm). They are superbly neutral to me neither adding or subtracting. I find them to be very musical. A prospective buyer might pass on Luxman thinking that they won’t match up with many speakers. Of course they will. Neutral is neutral. It’s what we should want.

"It is not me you disagree with, it is literally the definition. That's why I say don't take my word for it, look it up. Your disagreement then is with reality."

Who wrote the definition?

(just because it is on the Internet does not make it correct of worth quoting)
"...some fancy vu meters, big deal, those get old after a while..."

How old is that while? People buy such amplifiers exactly because of those (admittedly useless) meters.
"I think amp designers and manufacturers should measure the equipment they build."

I would bet in those donuts that I won on millercarbon's bet above that all the serious manufacturers do. Those people are not Audiogon retirerees. They actually make something and need to make it good.
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Not sure I would ever classify the Luxman sound as “sterile”.  I have never heard anyone ever describe it that way.  I currently own a bunch of current Luxman models, and I have always found the tonality to very neutral, accurate and ever so slightly on the warm, but very inviting side. My Luxman gear always has me enjoying the music as opposed to analyzing sound and performance. It’s great gear and is great value.  I have recommended the L-590AXII to many people and they have been extremely happy with their purchase.