Melm, thanks for responding.
I have a more in depth review of 005 over at head fi under 'Four years after lks 004.
More forgiving in my use of word can mean one of two things. Less resolving equipment can be more forgiving as it can make lesser quality recordings sound less ugly, where as a more resolving piece can expose all the warts.
Ultimately, we'd all like equipment that's both maximally resolving and forgiving of the warts. I think the 005 comes very close to reaching both goals; certainly maximally resolving to the point where it replicates living, breathing human performance. The sense of organic presentation makes even lesser recordings sound more forgiving, my attention always goes to the performance. I've now have well over 200 hours listening to 005, long term listening sometimes brings out downsides you didn't hear initially, this dac not doing that. 005 is simply a musical piece.
I would add one needs a quality preamp to hear at it's best. I never find dacs direct to amp to be preferable. In the case of direct, I'd describe the 005 as slightly analytical, per usual with every dac I've used in this manner.
I purchased 004 with the intent of modding, so I've read the entire 200 page plus thread over at head fi. I determined you could never replicate the 005 with any amount of modding of 004, and I've done a whole lot of modding over many years. Beginning with power supply, you could never replicate the ps of 005 with any amount of mods. The power supply is where much of the magic of 005 exists. The noise floor seems limitless black, performers simply exist in a much more holographic sound stage. Awesome micro dynamics give performers the breath of life. Beyond that, I couldn't replicate the clocks or the analog section, boutique capacitors, resistors and other parts can only do so much.
Whether $3300 is expensive needs to be applied in the proper context. There can be no doubt 3.3k price is steep for many. I would say the 005 plays in an entirely different league from 004, and a much better value in it's price range than 004. The Okto dac8 stereo is much better value than 004. Obviously, I can only compare Okto to stock 004. The only way a 004 can be considered a good value is diy modded 004, and then only if you value your time modding as a freebie. It would have been an easy choice to keep the Okto and sell the 004 if I hadn't purchased 005.
Finally, the 005 may not be a wise purchase for some, it requires top notch resolution from rest of system to hear much of the nuanced performance increase of 005. I can imagine many would hear the Okto as an equal to 005 in a less resolving system, and so a $1500 dac would be preferable to $3300 dac.
I'd sure like to see some high profile reviews of 005, it's obscurity is a crime. Both the Okto and Holo May have gotten some high profile reviews lately, selling like hotcakes! Being a relatively high priced Chinese dac without high profile reviews will maintain this obscurity.
Perhaps you're correct in assuming greater sales in Asia, although I've not seen any Asian reviews. Shenzhen and Apos audio should market this dac in USA.