Speaker Positioning - ProAc D30RS

Hi everyone,

I wondered if you could help? I have ProAc D30S's and I am trying to get the positioning right. I am slightly confined by room width which is 262cm wall to wall.

If you dont mind me asking, how far apart are your speakers and how close to the side wall are they?  It is a bit of a compromise for me and a challenge to get the best position.

Currently my speakers are 6ft apart. Do I go further apart? if I do they will be close to the side walls!

What's best closer together and further away from side wall or wider and closer to side wall?

The D30S's have downward-firing bass port so that helps.

Oh the dilemma!! :-)

Many thanks


Gary, that is a closet. The room is only 8 feet wide. The only way you are going to get decent sound is to put the speakers 4 feet apart and the listening position 5 feet from the speakers. This is tight but if you deaden the surrounding walls appropriately you should be able to generate a nice image.
Yes it is narrow, its a converted garage! 

I have them 6ft apart at the moment and 1ft from the side wall. I think Im losing a lot of base and stereo imaging. Would that make sense?



I've got news Gary, it is always a compromise. Nearer to walls is more bass not less. Farther from walls is less bass not more. This goes both for the speakers and you. Where you sit matters as much for bass response as where you put the speakers. Don't take my word for it, play something with bass, move around and hear how much it changes depending on where you are.  

The biggest single factor in stereo imaging is speakers that are perfectly symmetrical and equidistant. The biggest room factor that can screw that up is first side wall reflections. If they arrive too early or are too loud that is no good. Too early we fix in a big room by moving speakers at least 3 feet from the side walls. You can't do that so next best is a small acoustic panel to absorb that first reflection. Key word being small- it is real easy to over damp a small room and make it dead. One foot square should cover it. 

Then you experiment. Move speakers closer or further apart, a little at a time, and listen. Each time you move the speakers try and listen from a couple different locations- closer to a wall, further away. You will eventually figure out the best you can do in your room and then it is what it is. I have a dedicated room, much bigger. But the process is exactly the same. And yes it is a compromise.