Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200

Does anyone have any experience with these two carts, by any chance?  I have the Amethyst and I've used it for about 40 to 50 hours now. I think it's a beautiful cartridge, and I'm a fan of Sumiko in general, but it doesn't hit the spot like some of the other carts I've used.  So I think I'm going to sell it and buy something else.  I've had my eye on the MP-150 for a while.  Would be curious to hear folks' thoughts on this cart, especially from anyone who has heard the Amethyst, too.  (Also, if anyone has thoughts on what a good selling price for the Amethyst would be, please let me know.)  Cheers.
What is Amethyst? 
Look for Garrott Brothers cartridges, much better than Nagaoka
It's a Sumiko MM cartridge.  Sells for $600 in the US, and about $900 in Japan.

What makes Garrott Brothers carts so much better?  Thanks.
What spot does it not hit?
Nags are great but may lack top end sparkle—if that's what you're missing. If so, Audio Technica VM750SH or 760SLC will do the job.
Nagaoka is a low compliance MP type, nothing special (the MP200 is better than entry level).

What makes Garrott so special? The sound! Search audiogon for Garrott Brothers story if you don’t know who they are. You can also search for previous P77 (or new P77i) cartridges on audiogon, it’s adorable MM by people who own multiple carts. Dynamic Coil, advanced stylus profile. It’s really great. I like the original from the 80’s (here in mine), but improved version is new P77i. If I remember correct even the JICO SAS stylus is compatible.

Or all you need is just an approval of your own suggestion?