Can Vandy's get along with cats?

I'm currently a proud owner of a pair of Vandersteen 3A sig., and am considering getting a cat. I've held off up to this point because I'm concerned that the cat would shred the socks on the Vandersteens. It's a big enough concern that I have thought about getting different speakers. I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with cats and Vandersteens sharing the same space. Has this worked for anyone in the past?

Thank you very much,
I posted a similar question a few months ago-- wanted to protect my ARs. Haven't found the ideal answer, but you can get "hardware cloth" or chicken wire, and curl it around each speaker with enough space to allow for long claws. Anchor the base of the wire to a large stand for stability.

My kitty LOVED to claw the spines of my record collection too. More wire here if needed. Soon enough, you'll be living outside in a chicken coop and meowser will be listening to "environments" records on your sofa. Smart little buggers.
I was worried about my Vandersteen's also, but the cat has very little interest in them. She tried to use the cloth on my Altec floor-standers as a scratching post just once. I got up quickly and yelled "NO!" and she's never done it again. You could try playing some modern classical music through them when you aren't home (you know, the screechy atonal kind) when you aren't home for a few days. That should put her off music equipment for a good while!
Squirt guns are great, the ines that shoot across a room are accurate and a great training tool, a laser pointer can quickly get them refocused aswell.
Thanks for the responses. I enjoyed getting to hear about everyone's personal experiences with their pets. It sounds like people have had mixed success at least with the Vandy's. Your training advice will surely be of great help, even if I do decide to change speakers first. In the meantime, the success stories have given me hope that maybe the two can coexist peacefully. Lots of food for thought. To those concerned that I might declaw a cat, once I understood what this entailed for the cat I knew that it wasn't an option for me. If anyone has additional stories to tell, or cat v. Vandy advice, I'm sure that I'll be both enlightened and entertained when I hear it.

Thanks again
My cats (5 in the house now) have never destroyed any stereo equipment, but I do admit that one does like to sleep on the turntable cover.

However, I had a Golden Retriever that once ate both cones out of both subwoofers during the day. Then, after I replaced one cone, and went into the garage for the other, the dog ate the one I just replaced.

Never touched either one after that. dont know why. It had been exposed to those subwoofers for a couple of years before the meal, and many years after.