Speaker Positioning - ProAc D30RS

Hi everyone,

I wondered if you could help? I have ProAc D30S's and I am trying to get the positioning right. I am slightly confined by room width which is 262cm wall to wall.

If you dont mind me asking, how far apart are your speakers and how close to the side wall are they?  It is a bit of a compromise for me and a challenge to get the best position.

Currently my speakers are 6ft apart. Do I go further apart? if I do they will be close to the side walls!

What's best closer together and further away from side wall or wider and closer to side wall?

The D30S's have downward-firing bass port so that helps.

Oh the dilemma!! :-)

Many thanks


Thanks millercarbon8,

That is really helpful. Should I also toe them in?  I guess that is trial and error also?


Right. Basically what you are doing is first you try and find the location where you get the smoothest/best response. Then once you have that play with toe in to get the kind of imaging you want. 

All you can do is try and see. That is all anyone can do. What you will find, pointed straight at you the sound stage will be very focused and deep. Angled out more and it will be wider but not as deep, not as focused. There is no right or wrong, it is all about finding the trade-off that is right for you and your situation. 

Another thing, the more directly pointed at you the less going off to the sides creating reflections you will want to absorb or diffuse.  

Towards the end when you think you got it where you want it use a tape measure to tweak them to where they are exactly equidistant and toe in is exactly symmetrical. Right now it will be hard to tell. But once you get it dialed in real good you will find even a fraction of an inch helps bring the sound stage that much more into focus.
Thanks Millercarbon8,

I have done all that and its sounding excellent :-).  Hans Zimmer currently vibrating the hinges off the door!

Thanks Russ69, unfortunatly there is not enough space to use the other wall.

Many thanks

Excellent! Not surprised those speakers have the room vibrating! A lot of energy going from the speakers directly into the floor and walls will have them vibrating. It was a factor even in my four times as big room. A lot of what I thought was a room modes problem went away when I put the speakers on springs. Cleaned everything up a lot. Lot more things you can do. All depends on how far you want to go. Just because it is a small room doesn't mean you can't get great sound.