The only way to explain why so much people are convinced that the best way to obtain S.Q. is ONLY OR MAINLY moving toward costly upgrades is social conformity by market conditioning practice ...
I was thinking exactly that 7 years ago, i was convinced that without costly gear no one can pretend to great musical sound quality.... And i was very angry and frustrated because i cannot afforded my dreamed gear at all.... It was in fact a great luck for me indeed...
This frustration turn me on a mission to satisfy myself.... The rest of the story is in this "vuts" thread with all my experiments, sometimes crazy, sometimes less crazy and a few times very very good...Especially my use of dissymetric compression of springs boxes, my golden plates and my Mechanical Helmholtz equalizer....
The famous 1950 experiment of Solomon Asch explain evrything we must kmow about social conformity....
The link is here:
All actors, engineers that work hard to create good products, the consumers that bought them, the reviewers that sells them all are of good faith, they are only convinced that the "shorter"line in Ash experiment is the "longest/" one, for the same reason, autocondinioning to conform to the general collective opinion.... S.Q. is linearly related to increasingly better electronic design, and linearly related to prices....
It is all wrong.... The way we seat a system in our room IS the main factor and the cost could be peanuts...I called that the controls over the 3 working dimensiuons of any audio system.... All reader already know my "song"...😁😊
The acoustic control overpower anything in the S.Q. increase.... Lesson learned by myself....But the father of acoustic Helmholtz already know that before the invention of modern audio.... He invent modern room control....
For sure being not an idiot i dont affirm that all speakers, dac, or amplifiers for example are equal in quality...I only affirm that pick 3 "relatively good" pieces of gear between these three elements, and embed them rightfully and compare the same 3 elements in the same non controllerd environment this time and it will be a night and day differences; almost impossible to erase this difference in S.Q. with an upgrade, with a second upgrade, or even a third upgrade.... You cannot avoid or replace the embeddings controls with a piece of gear or many pieces....Especially the acoustical one....
My best to all.....