The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier

The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier has landed at the Audio Connection in Verona, NJ. I think John said 120 watts per channel with a phono stage that supports both MM and MC cartridges. 3 Single ended and 1 balanced input and output. Sounds great even though the unit has less than 24 hours on it.
lfd also lack remote control... that was a deal breaker for me

lemme guess who that dealer is pumping lfd ... 😂😂😂😂😂

I have had LFD amps including the NCSE MK II.
loved for jazz but just had no balls or soul.

I think that same dealer has a pretty clear distribution path with LFD with very few national competitors. Belles has several dealers inc. in NY area.

The Belles Aria sig works for me as I wanted the 125 watts, remote and an amp that can move some air with finesse. I found it. Plus, match in heaven with Dynaudio. 
LFD is more geared to speakers like Harbeth. At the same price point of Aria Signature ($4500) the comp for LFD is a new mistral.....NO CHANCE its in same league as it comes from a UK craft shop (like belles) via a US distributor, then to a dealer. 
The new NCSE MK III comes in at $7500 and that would be the product that compares with Aria Signature.
I can't debate as to which one is better, as I have heard neither. They are both on my radar for a new integrated. the Belles Aria Sig. has many traits I like very well such as phono stage, by-pass, balanced input, 125 watts/ch., not to mention a remote. I am a jazz fan. In terms of having no balls or soul regarding the LFD, that could be a factor of many things not to mention having less power output and how it matches up with a particular speaker. I have Vandersteen Treo CT's, with a Vandy sub.

It looks like I could audition either one with the only cost to me being shipping charges and my time.

I think it safe to say that either amp could/would be a very good choice in their respective price ranges. Could probably live happily with either.
@mr_m ,
With the Vandy sub/crossover, you could easily get away with 60wpc, thanks to Mr. V's design. I haven't heard LFD and their website is even more minimal than Belles.
When I had an LFD NCSE mk II (from 2015- 2018) it had two service issues that required repairs.That was a problem. The distributor at the time, Fidelis (in NH), referred me to a 3rd party repair guy. He fixed the first issue but it returned 2 years later.

I sent it the distributor the first time. The second time I contacted some dude named Howard Popek and he recommended that my issue could be addressed by a qualified tech in Chicago. So, I brought it to "the best" guy for hi-end stereo repair.

When I met with him, he popped the lid and looked inside and that's when our jaws hit the floor.

The inside of the NCSE mkII looked like an amateur science project or DIY kit. The engineer basically said there was a small transformer, erratic and conflicting wiring and lack of depth to the tech. In fact, most of the weight of the unit was in the heavy metal casing, not in the components. 

Not what you expect for an amp that had an MSRP at the time of $6,495.

Personally, I willnever buy another audio component that cannot be serviced by the manufacturer in the US.