How loud are you typically listening?

Typically 75 to 80dB.  Really loud is 90dB and I'm never over, and I mean never, 95dB.  I'm using a professional SPL meter, C weighted, slow response.  Just curious.
In my 20`s 1968 I would make sure I was very very high by the time I got to the concerts  and would get a seat very close to the speaker columns.  After the concerts my ears would be ringing for a week, in the car blasting music, at home getting very very high blasting away at the time I was in to the Bose 901`s series 2`s the louder you crank the better they sound.  At 29 yrs. of age I began to ask people to repeat there statement. I realize my ears were damaged common sense which I didn`t have should have told me to turn down. By my 54th birthday I had serious hearing problems I then decided I needed to turn down I`m now 75yrs young and my listening levels are 9-10. You guys that`s constantly cranking beware you are hurting self you`ll find that out in the later years.  
"What?!  I can't read you!  My eyeballs are vibrating!" *L*

Loud enough on occasion and selection, but I'll listen to Spotify while working at the 'puter.  Then it's just 'motivational levels' on a smaller system.
It's when the mains are up, things get 'noisy' *G*

Normal, concentrating listening is in the mid 70s to low 80s. Occasionally louder, often quieter if I'm multitasking.
Looks like comfortably loud is about 74.  But, I usually have it around 67.  I'll sometimes turn it up for a song or two, but only to around 80...