How loud are you typically listening?

Typically 75 to 80dB.  Really loud is 90dB and I'm never over, and I mean never, 95dB.  I'm using a professional SPL meter, C weighted, slow response.  Just curious.
I never checked the sound pressure level before — just set volume at comfortable level.  I just downloaded a SPL app to check it.  My ambient room noise level is around 17dB.

I am a quieter listener unless I am using headphones.  At night, I listen around 25-30 dB . . there is a local oldies station that I enjoy.  At mid-day now, I prefer 50-60 dB, with some peaks up to 70 dB.   75 dB and higher is too loud for me unless I am in another room or having a party.   I don’t know how people manage 90 dB for any length of time — sounds offensive to me.  My usual listening position is about 12 feet away from the main speakers.

At a cinema, I often think the sound is too loud, especially the music.  Would prefer to hear actors’ speech without all the loud music. 
My wife and son love all the Marvel comic book movies and go whenever they get the chance.  I grudgingly agreed to go (prior to covid) and I am still happy I brought "yellow squishes" ear protection with me.
I couldn't even take the coming attractions, blocked up them ear canals right away with my yellow buddies.  And I bring them to all concerts as well.  
Here is an interesting $$$ alternative to squishes:


For easy listening night 70-75 db 
R&R 95-100 peaks  for short periods, rock on average 85-90 db 
the better the room is treated less reflections ,the better the focus 
also ,and better bass balanced in a room takes some work because of nulls. I use monitors with subs ,then usb Mike and bass programs truly work ,has bass traps, 1st reflection ,rugs and 
ceiling treatment all add to the accuracy ,for hard rooms can be a mess with too many reflections ,especially glass drapes,rubs,plants all help. You can over damp a room also if it is lifeless many hours to get tuned right especially if you need more then a 2 seat soundstage area.
I second millercarbon’s point. “Supertramp loud” is the level where it sounds the best. 
Dear friends : The most critical and precious audio instrument in our room/system are each one of us the whole ears that we need/have to take care always because damages on it are irreversible.

Normally I listen at 74db-83db and only when I'm testing/evaluating/comparing some audio items I listen briefly at over 90db with peaks at over 100db and in those tests I listen after the high SPL at low SPL around 62db-70db.

High constant SPL always makes and damages the ears sensitivity and even not so high SPL with a system with high distortions levels can do the same with out we can be aware: here the culprit are those high distortions levels more than the SPL.

So I think that we have try to put at minimum any kind of developed distortions in each one of us room/system.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,