It sounds like having a limited library perhaps points toward your relying on your CD collection. If this is the case you might be a great candidate to stream music and get a Tidal subscription for $20 per month. I have a BlueSound Node 2i and it only costa $550. I have an OPPORTUNITY 105 and I don’t miss having to get up from my sofa to change the CD. By having my BlueSound I can now listen to hi-res recordings. What is also nice about streaming is being able to remain seated and listen to a few songs by some artists and switch over to something else by using my iPhone as a remote. You are missing out on a being able to hear music from an enormous library. This expand you taste for jazz. You can also create a custom play list. This is handy when having company over. I have created playlists to create different moods. This also allows for you to concentrate on your guests.
i haven’t used my CD’s for the past two years. I personally think CD’s are becoming a thing of the past. The real game changer is the ability to use such an extensive library.
i haven’t used my CD’s for the past two years. I personally think CD’s are becoming a thing of the past. The real game changer is the ability to use such an extensive library.