The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier

The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier has landed at the Audio Connection in Verona, NJ. I think John said 120 watts per channel with a phono stage that supports both MM and MC cartridges. 3 Single ended and 1 balanced input and output. Sounds great even though the unit has less than 24 hours on it.
@mr_m ,
With the Vandy sub/crossover, you could easily get away with 60wpc, thanks to Mr. V's design. I haven't heard LFD and their website is even more minimal than Belles.
When I had an LFD NCSE mk II (from 2015- 2018) it had two service issues that required repairs.That was a problem. The distributor at the time, Fidelis (in NH), referred me to a 3rd party repair guy. He fixed the first issue but it returned 2 years later.

I sent it the distributor the first time. The second time I contacted some dude named Howard Popek and he recommended that my issue could be addressed by a qualified tech in Chicago. So, I brought it to "the best" guy for hi-end stereo repair.

When I met with him, he popped the lid and looked inside and that's when our jaws hit the floor.

The inside of the NCSE mkII looked like an amateur science project or DIY kit. The engineer basically said there was a small transformer, erratic and conflicting wiring and lack of depth to the tech. In fact, most of the weight of the unit was in the heavy metal casing, not in the components. 

Not what you expect for an amp that had an MSRP at the time of $6,495.

Personally, I willnever buy another audio component that cannot be serviced by the manufacturer in the US.
I'm sure everyone here has had some severe equipment failures, myself included. As far as LFD is concerned, for every problem like you have had, there have been dozens if not hundreds of satisfied customers. You don't have to prove or explain your purchase. You like the Belles Aria Sig., and you went with it. Which is fine. I went with the LFD purchase because it satisfied most of what I want in a audio component. I have also found some people who like the LFD better than the Belles, which might indicate the comparison is system dependent. I have also found several positive reviews on LFD integrateds. The proof for me will be in my own evaluation and listening sessions. My dealer has an iron clad return policy if I am not satisfied costing me only shipping charges for return.
Though I have no intention of ever buying LFD equipment, I am glad @ianrmack gave his input.
It makes the phrase YMMV relevant IMHO.
Nuthin' but acronyms here, today.
i have not had the aria sig (as yet) but i have had the regular aria, as well as an lfd le mk4 sig, and at the same time in house for comparison - drove a variety of speakers... proacs harbeths buchardts vandy sig 3a's among others over that period


- both had a similar sonic signature, which is a somewhat lively, slightly uptilted high freq response, very clear and concise midrange (not lean not warm), and solid rhythmic bass... both image reasonably well (for solid state) and both are free of grain, though they both bring some degree of ’sharpness’ to leading edges of transients

- the lfd was a little brighter than the aria, both substantially brighter than a hegel or a pass or my longtime reference audiosector patek, they are simply voiced differently, to 'spotlight' the sound a bit more - the aria had maybe had a touch more low end drive than the lfd but both were very good

- the lfd definitely has a minimalist, small-op, homegrown feel to it... the play here is minimalism and thus implied purity to the sound because of it, whereas the aria definitely has a more proper, grown-up, full featured feel to it... with onboard phono stage, decent remote control, etc etc

- both of these amps do very well with more laid back/warmer speakers like harbeths, wharfedales, older vandys and spendors - they bring a little additional 'life' and punch to the music

i don’t know whether the higher, more expensive belles sig or the ncse permutations of the lfd bring more refinement... have not had the chance to hear for myself as yet