A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV

The Cornwall IV is so sensitive in all respects.  Source, cables, power, time of day, recording, tubes---it is so revealing of changes you make.  I won't say it's scientifically transparent.  Instead, I'd say that it's overtly shows a difference with every change you make.  That can become a game or enjoyable in its own right, and draw you away from the music.

The good news is the Cornwall IVs are clearly a musical speaker.  This translates into most swaps of gear in and out sounding pleasant in their own right.    

Here's the problem:   I can easily sit tight with the Cornwalls and any decent setup of attached kit. But it is so utterly intoxicating to hear so many different things play with the Cornwalls.  

Curiosity killed the cat.  This cat might end up in bankruptcy!

What a wonderful loudspeaker. 
I thought they really came into their own after the 200 hour mark. And I agree with your perception of these great speakers. They are not only loud, brash rock speakers, but can do well with any genre of music. People that turn up their noses at the Cornwall IV don’t have a clue.


I was considering a Yamaha AS3000, as I like Japanese SS amps, but heard a refresh was coming. I waited but nothing happened and gave up, went shopping, and discovered the Luxman. I bet your 2200 will rock with Cornwalls.
@smatsui ,  Wonderful backstory and review.  Thank you!  

PS-- Like me (and Ozzy) Klipsch must be paying you.  Unlike Ozzy and me, your checks must be larger than ours!
@buddy and @jet88,   I have not heard the Cornwall IVs with the Yammy or Lux, but I bet both would be great.  I didn't have great luck pairing my Forte IIIs with Class D--just too lean, clean, and sterile.  I loved them with a Creek integrated.    

I would expect that the Yamaha and Luxman would be sublime, based on my experience of how the loudspeaker puts out so much of what you put in and those amps are very well made and musical.  
Well....the Cornwall IV’s are astounding!  I’m dumbfounded actually at just how good they portray music...they are truly my Holy Grail !!  Such a large, fully fleshed out soundstage with a rich vibrant tonality brimming with tension and dynamics but never sounding bloated or less than incisive.  Oodles of unforced yet solidly rendered details that draw you into the soundscape.  They image in such a way that you can actually believe that the musicians are in the room, occupying the space right in front of you...I can forget the walls are there:()