Best Subwoofer for Quad 2805 under $5k

Looking for musical subwoofer for 2 channel listening (Not home theatre!) that has the speed and finesse to keep up with Quad 2805s. Heard the Wilson Benesch Torus is an amazing combination, but don't want to spend $13k.
Thinking about the REL Gibralter G2 (carbon fiber driver) or the JL Audio Fathom f112. Has anybody tried these subs with the Quads? Any other thoughts?
An under-appreciated sub is the Martin Logan Depth i (and I assume the Descent would be aswesome as well, though I have not heard one). I have used either a single or a pair of the Depth i in my systems for years. They are very configurable, very musical, and fast, and I never had an issue paring them with any speakers that graced my system, including Eggleston Andras, Klipsch LaScallas, Zu Essence, etc. They also server dual duty for HT.

I'd be lost without at least one!
There are a lot of great subs out there. I use Rythmiks (they pair wonderfully with little Maggie panels), but SVS, HSU, and several others are also well regarded. I'd only offer a couple of general thoughts you might want to consider.

Think of "tight" rather than "fast" bass. IMO, You'll get to the same end and save yourself some headaches of mis-communication along the way. Tighter bass may or may not be better for your system/taste, but at least it makes sense conceptually.

Integration of subs can be executed in several different ways and may affect your choice of subwoofer. If you use room correction software, you may end up happy with a single, high quality subwoofer. If you use a more traditional, non-EQ approach, I'd think hard about Duke's multi-sub, distributed bass advice.

Good Luck

Depending on room size, I would recommend a REL T5. Very fast sub which works great with my SF GH's and I'm sure will work great with Quads.
I have had the Rel T5 with my Quad 2805's and the Rel T5 is surprisingly very good with the Quads. Very fast and satisfyingly deep on a lot of music. However, I upgraded to the Rel R328. The R328 is in a different league with a 10" active and 12" passive. Very Fast,very musical and articulate deep bass. I am very happy with the R328 with my Quads 2805. Well under the 5k. The Rel G1 or G2 would be worth an audition. You can't go wrong with the Rel Subs.