Thanks, Johnk. Nearing age 60 I don't hear much at all above 10-11 kHz, so I'm hoping I'll not miss anything without a supplemental tweeter/supertweeter! I'll keep in mind that the T35 is easy to damage.
Mechanical grounding is the main component, basis and foundation for dynamic expression. Material choice and geometry dictate the collection speed and termination of all things that are in motion...which is everything. Most audio devices are over damped because mechanical grounding methods are miss understood and miss applied or dismissed totally. Without proper mechanical coupling and grounding termination, dynamics are lost before anything else has started. Tom
Whats to miss read? Posts about horns without any real experiences with them. Info he presents is mostly all bias conjecture here say. The guy mentions listening to square waves..... If you ask him to explain or provide more information to back his claims he resorts to insults. Seems a bit unsound to me. Hope he gets well soon.
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