Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund?

Ordered a McIntosh MA8900 from my dealer in December. First one had cosmetic damage out of the box so they swapped it out for a new one. The new one won't power on (just get the standby light). McIntosh said they would replace it again but I'm frankly done, just want my money back at this point. The dealer has a no refunds policy. Should I accept a 3rd new unit or insist on a refund?
No refund policies are designed to discourage tire kickers, not to penalize a repeat customer with a legitimate issue/claim.  Talk to your dealer and simply tell him you have lost confidence in the manufacture to provide a reliable product. 
You might call Klaus at Odyssey Audio ... I have one of its preamps exceeding craftsmanship

Aggravating, worrisome, but, I agree, let them get you a NEW (not fixed) unit, even if you have to wait.

Go in writing, if the 3rd unit has any problem, you want a full refund, not store credit.

I would send a copy of that, and the prior problems to McIntosh also, so it is on record.

My SS McIntosh, mc2250, made in 1986, is still ’perfect’ after 35 years, I sent it to McIntosh for factory once over, they replaced one led lamp, that’s it.

Usually their stuff is like boat anchors, the biggest problem I had was a torn meniscus from lifting it (80 lbs) from a bottom shelf in a cramped space.

my mx110z, made around 1967, 55 years old, plug and play, sounds fabulous. I cleaned all controls with contact cleaner, noise free, IOW, these things are normally very long lived.

When you think about it, they ought to give you a reduction in price for your trouble. Like a car dealership, the Manufacturer is the one who pays for warranty work, the dealer makes money on warranty work. The dealer could request a price reduction on your behalf. If me, I would get it ordered first, then before it arrives, ask them to ask McIntosh for a cost reduction.

Best of luck, hope it sounds great, and your memory fades quickly.

I bought speakers to match this unit (many hours of auditioning), so after my initial frustration subsided (I wrote my post just minutes after finding my 2nd unit was DOA in order to get unbiased advice) I decided it's less of a pain to just wait for a 3rd unit than start start from square one trying to find a good pairing. I do really love the way the speakers sounded when paired with this unit and that's the whole point it no? 


Sorry, maybe I was unclear, the units were shipped to my dealer from Binghamton and I picked them up from the dealer.


I beg your pardon?