What component is responsible for dynamics ?

If one is looking to increase the dynamics of their system , what one component will offer the most beneficial change ?
Whats to miss read? Posts about horns without any real experiences with them. Info he presents is mostly all bias conjecture here say. The guy mentions listening to square waves..... If you ask him to explain or provide more information to back his claims he resorts to insults. Seems a bit unsound to me. Hope he gets well soon.
Hi all ! Onhwy61: Dont think I listen much above moderate or slightly higher levels , not sure of the SPL. I dont think the 4wpc setup gets louder than the 160wpc setup , it just seems to be more dynamic and quicker sounding . Also , since I changed to the low power hi-eff route I listen to my system much , much more . And yes , there is more than one way to skin a cat...depending on the flavor you like .
The OP needs to restate the question as "what component(s)" since it is multifactorial. People have harped on the expected variables. I too believe mechanical grounding is important along with room construction and these things are often an afterthought. Also, source material plays a role, and is something we cannot control. There is no way to fix compressed Redbook....
Saki70, in my experience virtually everything can impact dynamics. I have enhanced dynamic with dacs, amps, ac filters, vibration controls, cables, and even wall outlets. So, I agree largely with Agear.