Finally found a space for the speakers I’ve been storing... and I don’t love them any more

As a younger person, I was excited to get a full surround setup anchored by Paradigm Reference Studio 20 v2’s. During that time I spotted a used pair of the well-regarded Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v2’s on Craigslist for a good price and I snapped them up. I got more power in order to drive those speakers, but soon realized that they were physically too large for my small space and pushing them up against the rear walls didn’t do them any favors. I sadly put them into storage and dreamed of the day that I would get a bigger place that would accommodate them. 

That day finally came and I recently moved into a new home where I have a 16x20x12’ room where I can place the speakers. I was excited to set them up, only to find that I’m disappointed by them.

Here’s what happened: at the same time as I was able to set up the Studio 100’s, I bought a pair of used Revel Performa3 M106’s to put in my small media room and I loved them! The clarity and imaging of the little bookshelf speakers were, to my ears, head and shoulders better than the Studio 100’s I had been saving for so long. And I like the M106’s so much that, when I listen to the Studio 100’s, I find my ears seeking out the details that the M106’s produce. Don’t get me wrong, the Studio 100’s are still nice and they obviously have more effortless and impactful bass, but they don’t produce that sense of transparency and detail that the Revels do, and which I’m finding that I’m really delighted by time after time.

The Studio 100 v2’s are driven by an Adcom GFA 7805 and the M106’s are powered by an Anthem MRX720 receiver. It’s not a fair comparison — the Revel bookshelfs are almost 15 years newer — but I do like them so much more than the Paradigm towers.

I’m sure some of you can relate to finally getting what you’ve always wanted, only to discover that your tastes have evolved. At this point, I’m probably going to part with the Studio 100’s I’ve long wished to enjoy and look for a pair of Revel F208’s (or maybe F228be’s, if I can swing it).

What would you do?
Hi, mhsu. You are saying, "The Studio 100 v2’s are driven by an Adcom GFA 7805 and the M106’s are powered by an Anthem MRX720 receiver. It’s not a fair comparison..."

Correct; if you have not used the Paradigm speakers with both amplifiers, then you do not have a more thorough understanding of how the two speakers compare. This is doubly true if you have different cables and sources in the two systems. Used in different systems, it would be expected that the sound will vary widely.

Before making a final decision, switch the speakers around, pairing them with the other electronics, just to know. My guess is you will get something completely different than you may like even better. It may not be practical to keep the systems set up that way, but It will inform your decision on what to do next. It would be not so happy a moment to buy new speakers to replace the Paradigm set, then discover that the electronics and cables were influencing the speakers! I would want to know before spending the money.

If you don’t wish to be bothered doing that, then just guess, as you were. No one here can tell you the precise outcome and which would be most favored. Now, if you have already done the comparison using the other amps, you are done, and know what you’re after.
Keep the Paradigms in your listening room.  Move the other gear in and eliminate that variable.  I suspect the fundamental differences you note will persist.
Life is too short to stick with a speaker you don't love to listen too.
Revel have definitely mastered the art of offering great on and off axis imaging along with a smooth transparent presentation.

Besides obvious differences in design and performance you are also running into an open secret among a lot of audiophiles:
Small 2-way speakers can be glorious, and sound far better in an average listening room than their large counter parts in no small measure do to integrating better in the bass.
From the way you describe the sound you like I would get Double Impacts and never look back.