Jerry Garcia’s McIntosh amp

Does anyone know what model McIntosh amp it was that Jerry used when he played live onstage?  He sure seemed fond of it and I might like to play my guitar thru one as well.  Thx,  Gordon
Hey all… Thanks for all your support with me getting sober and kicking my 10 month daily cocaine habit. I blew through a lot of money but luckily I had a bit saved in the bank so I’m not hurting.  And this isn’t my first rodeo. I actually had 14 years clean and sober from ‘89 to ‘03. But I actually started drinking intentionally to get out of a marriage because I did not know how to talk to her... and it worked. But these last 18 years I’ve been in and out of recovery and I’ve been through Kaiser’s rehab five times in the last 13 years. But this last one was just perfect for me and just what I needed... five weeks away and in a group home in Vallejo and I feel so good now.  They’ve got my meds dialed in perfectly and I have absolutely zero cravings zero anxiety zero depression. It feels so good to feel so good :-)  I know this is a discussion about Jerry’s gear so don’t give me a hard time for getting off topic. I did make it to 21 live shows between 87 and 93 and I was just curious about the amp that he had behind him that he would fiddle with from time to time. I thought he was plugged into a Macintosh amp. But I may be wrong. Half of those shows I went to I was under the influence. The other half I went to I was sober and I learned about the wharf rat meetings during this set break and I went to a lot of those wharf fat meetings.  They were very helpful for us trying to stay sober in that environment.  I always looked for the yellow balloon to know where the meeting was being held.  “What a long strange trip it’s been” 
“Bud Man” was the amp ... MC2300.  Google it.

Good luck on staying clean.
What a great thread. Thanks folks. 

I know I could find some examples myself, but looking to tap the expertise in here... Any suggestions for a great YouTube video (w quality video and audio) of a great GD performance?

I'm collecting videos that fall into this category from all genres and don't have any Dead on there yet.

Thanks. And here's to psychological happiness... A constant battle for lots of us unfortunately.
@doug714 - Thanks for starting this thread - I absolutely love all the great info it's generating/pulling together. And thanks MUCH for sharing your personal story. I was able to stay out of the deep end with substances, but I also recognize much of that was a matter of pure luck and predisposition. We're not all built alike, and I've seen several friends and family members fall into the deep end. As others have said - take it a day at a time and best to you.

The sound is great, the video is a little dicey at times but the Dead playing Fire on the Mountain at the base of the great pyramids is epic.