Raise your acoustic panels or die

Hi everyone,
I just had an interesting result while waiting on new panels from GIK. I've been pretty lazy in setting them up, nothing is hanging.  Everything is just placed on the floor around the speakers.  On the wall behind the speakers I have 2 Soffit Traps and 2 standalone panels inside them. Kind of like this:
(ST) (P) --------- (P) (ST)
With the traps standing up vertically. Last night I decided to put the panels directly on top of the soffit traps, giving me near floor to ceiling coverage in that corner. Lo and behold it raised the stereo image by a good 15-20 degrees or so. Orchestral instruments now appear above my tweets. 

So, if you have been leaving all your panels on the floor for convenience sake I strongly encourage you to raise them so they are more centered around the speaker, instead of at and below it.
You're missing the entertainment value:  

Raise your acoustic panels, OR DIE!!!!!  

Come on. Don't take him seriously. No one else does.
Hyperbole is a time-honored tradition here.  I hate using it but it's what the natives do.

just saw the picture of your current setup.           not what I expected to see  at all..       
I'm having a good time with a pair of book cases on a rooms back wall.
Same room has a ceiling fan too.. I'm not sure on that? Right over my head too.. Dead center of the room..

I pulled and mismatched book depths with both cases.. It helped quit a bit with a couple issues I had. Not pretty but worked VERY well.

The right diffusers have to look like a diffuser, BUMMER, I might as well go with a stalactite, stalagmite decor'. Look like Superman's digs. :-)

Good deal Erik, gettin' there.. Nice and clean..

WE (the Wife and I) actually called flooring guys and PRO painters for the front/music room.. Nice when a plan comes together. I've never used anyone.. I always did the work..

I like the idea of someone else doing the work though. :-)