Maxwave, I’m sitting here now calibrating new speakers looking at graphs of exactly what the room is doing. I’m gonna die laughing:-)))You are looking at graphs not about what your room is doing because you dont use your ears to analyse the frontwaves crossing the room , but you use a mic to analyse only a selection of the tested frequencies response of your speakers in the room...Then you cannot know what the room is doing really to your ears...You adapt your ears to your electronic equalizer and say to your own ears," listen now it is better".... And you believe him yourself because your graphs said so...But the room could do way better if your ears would have open directly to the wavefronts instead of a tested frequency... But no way for you, because for you, science is a manual with a costly product not a real acoustic experiment....
A first frontwave is not a tested frequency or a bunch of tested frequencies, it is a finely timing set of complex musical events in the room for your ears, not for a microphone coupled to a computer...
You can improve an already very good room with electronic Eq., this is true yes, BUT NEVER transform a bad room in a good room, and most room are bad anyway, unbeknownst to the listener, but the real problem of electronic equalization is that all is fine tuned ONLY for an extraordinarily precise location in millimeter and ANY change in the room put your selection of frequencies off the chart you have already choosen WITH YOUR EYES convincing your ears that it is the best choice and it is not true at all...
Try at no cost a mechanical equalizer with none of these negative defects... And learn how to train your ears in real experiments tuning the speakers/room for your specific ears...Or stay voluntarily deaf, your eyes looking at chart and you ears closed....And call that "science" like boy scout call science their little pre-choosen chemistry box selected experimental sets...
A mechanical equalizer cost nothing, what is the price of a good electronical equalizer?
And you dare to call audiophile like me gullible?
I am gonna laugh till i die....
Some remarks here :