5AR4/GZ34/5U4/5Y3 SS conversion

Conversion using UF5407 800V 3Amp 2-Pin DO-2 Soft Recovery Ultrafast Plastic Rectifier Diodes in a standard octal plug with the cap off of a fabric conditioner bottle a perfect press fit to finish it off :D
By doing this you've increased the voltage and removed the soft start effectively hitting the tubes with higher HT than designed before they've heated up. This can harm the tubes.
I have a thermsistor in the circuit, in fact two in parallel to slow it up even more. The Russian military EL84s in there will stand 315V and more with no problem, I have another amp that's been running them at 350V with no problem. Some commercially available amps run them way above 300V.
You know what your doing! I meant in the circuit though rather than in what the tubes can handle.