Raven Audio Nighthawk

So the scuttlbutt on the Raven integrated amps is pretty good. But just how good are they? Are they good when compared to other comparably priced tube integrateds? Or are they better than some heavy hitters?

I currently have a NOSvalves ST-45 amp paired with a Don Sachs Model 2 (latest version) preamp and I am extremely happy with this pairing. With that said, I guess there is nothing really that I'm looking to improve. But since we all know how this game goes, I just wonder how much better (or not) the Blackhawk III would be. Consolidating two pieces down to one chasis is an attractive idea too.

I would love to hear from you if you own a Nighthawk or Blackhawk or have auditioned one against something else. I know they offer a 45 day trial period, but from my calculations if I don't like it it will cost me close to 400.00 out of pocket once the dust settles. So I'd like to go into this with a warm fuzzy that it's pretty darn good.


That's probably why the restock fee. Way too many out there want the businessman to subsidize their learning curve.
It may be someone learned who has plenty of experience as well. I still think 7% is steep in today’s competitive environment. When you have other outfits like PrimaLuna/Upscale Audio doing returns with no restock, that’s tough to counter. If they are that good, and they seem to have a lot of fans, I’d be willing to bet that a lower restock might increase sales. Just a hunch though.

If you netted even a modest three extra entry level units sold per month, that’s an extra $180,000 gross on a $5k piece, more on higher end stuff. I’m not astute as to the business end of this as some of you are, but it may incentivize some folks.

It is risk-free. For Raven more than for buyer.

According to Raven website, 7% is modest restocking fee. What restocking fees do comparable outlets charge?
My Blackhawk is supposed to ship this week. I literally had my credit card in my hand for a prima Luna on the west coast but the salesman had me on speaker and I couldn’t understand half of the conversation very frustrating and repetitive.......so I started researching other options.......I’ve had very good communication with raven both phone and email. I hope this amp works for my corner horns and I’m a happy camper. I do understand a restocking fee but 7% is a little tough to swallow compared to others free shipping and returns. Fingers crossed.