What To Replace A Pair Of Lamm Ml2 Monoblocks With? Need More Power

Due to a move to a new house, and a far, far larger listening area, I've had to change speakers to get something that will optimally perform in the large space, which also features very high ceilings. I currently own the wonderful Lamm ML2 18wpc SET amps, and they are simply the finest amps I have ever owned, and perhaps ever heard. Sadly, they cannot begin to drive the speakers I purchased to meet the rooms demands. 

I am currently debating what would make sense to replace them with, which would still make me happy after experiencing the sound of the Lamm's for the past few years. I need something with at least 100wpc and I don't think anything solid state would satisfy my ears. Any recommendations or thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
georgehifi said:

"Would be good if you can find a impedance/phase angle graph on these. Then it will be easy to find what your Lam’s were lacking, wattage or current or both. As nice as the 6c33c’s (to me the closest tube to SS) are in paralleled SE they are still tubes with weaknesses."

The Lamms are 18wpc, the Vandersteens need 75-100, at least. That is the issue. 
Carver crimson 350s’ will drive those speakers with authority!
some of the best amps available today!!

 Enjoy the hunt. 
nightfall OP
The Lamms are 18wpc, the Vandersteens need 75-100, at least. That is the issue.
"Could" be Vanderseen says amps 40-300 Watts into 8 Ohms and they have their own 400-Watt High-Current bass amps.

I cannot find any impedance/-phase angle graph on these, so nobody knows what will be good

Like I said best to get something that has no ?? on it for any kind of loading. Like the Gryphon I mentioned, and if your short of $$ for that, get the cheaper Diablo 300 Integrated https://gryphon-audio.dk/shop/integrated-amplifiers/gryphon-diablo-300-integrated-amplifier/

Cheers George