Hacking a Luxman Integrated

One cool and often under appreciated feature in Luxman integrateds is the "Separate" button. It disconnects the preamp from the amplifier, allowing for a number of approaches. Actually this is two features. One is the always active preamp output available on the back.

The second is the ability to feed the amp directly, bypassing everything in the preamp. Useful features:
  • Add room correction/EQ/active crossover in the middle.
  • Passively bi-amp (without using separate)
  • Feed a subwoofer (without using separate)
  • Use amp for home theater
  • Use ~ 0.047uF cap to add a high pass to your Luxman, letting you feed a sub for everything below 80 Hz.
  • Use ~ 1uF or higher to add some flavor to the sound. 
It has me thinking about using it with my sub for 2 channel again. :)


I had a discussion on this with Luxman USA via email.

If there are no active signals connected to the preamp side of the Luxman while in Separate, then the preouts will be silent.

So, if using the Luxman in "HT Mode" by way of using the Mains In connection on the Luxman from the preouts of the AVR, then when in Separate there will be no signal on the preouts (meaning the Main In signal from the AVR preouts will not be sent back to the Luxman preamp section and then on to the Luxman preouts).
That makes the solution easier thanks.  

Which scenario is best then:

1.  Just send left preout to left sub and right preout to right sub.

2.  Run adapters and splitter from each preout to send right and left to both subs eventually through one line level rca.  I have what's needed to make this happen.

Thanks for the detailed help.

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