The Best Live Recordings on Youtube

Hi folks, I’m in the middle of moving and needed something to do to explore music while my system is in storage (might be up to a year). Started streaming live recordings on youtube on my laptop and decided it would be worth it to make a list/channel.

In case anyone likes watching such content, the link is below. I only add quality recordings (both visually and sonically) of quality performances. No real genre restrictions, so maybe you can find something you like...

Please post or send any suggestions for growing the resource. Hopefully it helps spread high quality music to more people...
@pesky_wabbit And agreed on little richard. It's a shame the recordings are so poor. They regularly just spit out high frequency hash... such a shame. Like you say though, at least there's some record. The man can control a room.
Like most things music has steps , Classical is the highest , I would say
serious Jazz is next , the lowest is money aka rock and pop
The roots of much of Classical are in religion , the object is to do what is not a human trait, to live a life above your self .

If you don’t get it that many people sit and kneel before God , you don’t
get it . They are not an audience .

There are many crooks in American "religion ", they are just crooks that
claim they are "born again " on TV etc, they are not related to religion and often use music 
Many are related to crooked politicians , all with Satan .
@schubert is that Boris Johnson‘s younger brother playing ? Nice clip, I really enjoyed it.

You might be surprised to know that I also listen to classical music, and that my favourite composer is .......Schubert, with Mozart a close second. I don‘t post because my knowledge is not as broad as other genres.

As for what is real music, my tastes have expanded considerably with age, and I’ve found it‘s amazing that what was once an impenetrable sonic morass can becomes beautiful music over time. If you take the time to understand a wide range of genres you can recognise genius in all of them.
Glad to hear that ! I was not trying to insult you, just boil the pot a bit .

Schubert and Mozart are great to start with, 2 of the greatest who ever
walked the planet.

I would suggest a modern Czech Genius , Leos Janacek.
He gets all over the place but never goes over the road .
His 2 String Quartets are very beautiful . His Sinfonietta and Glagolitic Mass are powerful masterpieces . On You tube .

Here is his Sinfonietta with one of the greatest Band and Conductor in the world .

One of the Greatest endings ever !

One of the best string quartets of modern music .

@schubert I'll agree with your steps, but not that they're at all related to the "realness" of the music.  They are simply related to complexity and the technical proficiency and expertise needed to create the end product.  Like I said, the accomplishments of classical musicians and composers are stunning and worthy of praise.  They're just not more musical than anything else. 

It's just as much music when it's made by a group of people sitting around a campfire as when it's made by an orchestra in the Sydney opera house.  To deny that is to deny classical music's genesis story...