Do I need a new DAC/streamer. Considering?

Okay okay Okay
I have a awesome sounding system that I enjoy.
Mcintosh C53
Mcintosh  601’s
M/L speakers. 15A’s
Tributaries cable

Yes, my c53 has the new DAC module

This discussion is about streamers only

My current DAC is a Bluesound (which I bypass the DAC in the node and use the DAC in the C53. And use the Node as a Streamer only)

But can’t help but wonder what if I exchanged out my DAC to an Lumin or Aurelic (spelling).......

opinions please. Worth it?
The DAC in the C53 is pretty good.  You will probably need to spend quite a bit to outperform it.  
The Bluesound Node is a decent entry level streamer but is not in the same league as your other gear.  You would benefit from adding good server and renderer.  Either separate or combined.  
Lots of options.  Auralic and Lumin are good choices.  So is just using a Roon Nucleus or an Antipodes S40.  This avoids DAC redundancy but does require...Roon in the case of the Nucleus or some 3rd party software for Antipode.
Thanks, are you suggesting I just purchase a Lumin or Auralic with streaming capabilities only. Do you think that I would make  a difference. I thought it always had to be a combo streamers/DAC
I would rather not duplicate DAC’s. The DAC in the C53 is upgradable when necessary is the reason why I bought it. 

i know the Node is not in the same league as the rest of my equipment. Even though it’s pretty good  

Again, it’s hard, for some reason, for me to think that Just a streamer, without the DAC,  can make a significant difference in sound.   As you are aware, I have a few dollars tied up in my system.
 However, the diminishing return theory plays a part in my decision
Look for a used MHDT DAC, may take awhile but damn they sound musical.
You could absolutely add just a server/renderer. I was shocked when I added a Nucleus+ to mine. Made more of a difference than moving from a Marantz Reference DAC to PS Audio DSD.  Server is way more important than you would think.  

When I added it, I was running a PS Audio BHK Pre, PS Audio DSD and VTL MB 185s....not a small investment either.
I have since done a lot of investigating and the weak link in the chain is the Server. Antipodes explains this pretty well. The internet is volatile and needs something powerful and stable as data comes in. The renderer actually requires less power.
This has a huge impact on sound quality. I was very confused when I added my server and it improved sound noticeably.
The best possible solution it to separate the sever, renderer/player and DAC. This is more because the server is better if it doesn’t have to deal with the secondary load of renderer as well.